" " Your husband is a reason to not pregnancy! ~ VISION ON PLANET -

Saturday 21 March 2015

Your husband is a reason to not pregnancy!

Your husband is a reason to not pregnancy!

Youth and precisely men suffer  of procreation problem in the early period of the marriage  for several reasons.
This issue does not fall with only women, but men participates in this matter significantly according to the statistics and recent studies.

There are many reasons leading to it, most notably:

1. tight clothing: is essential, the man doesn't pay attention to this , but it is a direct cause of the kill sperm.

2. put computer  a long time on the legs.

3. Exposure to hot water for a long time:

Testicles are outside the human body, and must be kept at lower temperature than the body temperature to form healthy sperm.

4. Studies confirmed that sperm much less in the summer than in the winter.

So men should avoid the long use of the hot tub because the testicles are very sensitive, and heat can damage the developing sperm which lasts months to mature.

It is also known that the number of sperm  is back to the normal number within a week of exposure to the hot tub.


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