Wednesday 19 January 2022

Alcoholism: Fast back to life

 Alcoholism: Fast back to life

Alcoholism Fast back to life
Alcoholism: Fast back to life

The consumption of alcohol is firmly established in Germany in Germany. Ever German drinks almost 136 liters of alcoholic drinks in one year. This corresponds to over ten liters of pure alcohol. Especially with hustle and stress, many people grab to alcoholic beverages. The probability of getting health problems is rising. In men, an average consumption of 24 grams per day leads to increased health risk. In women, even half
Alcoholism is a serious mental illness. Development of consumption on abuse to dependency is creeping. Characteristic of the addiction includes, among other things, a strong desire for alcohol, rising consumption and the occurrence of withdrawal symptoms. Read all about the signs and consequences of alcoholism and how to get the addiction under control.

When is one speaking of alcohol addiction?

About 1.3 million people in Germany are considered alcohol dependent. About 300,000 of which are in treatment. On average, alcohol dependence is treated only after 10 to 15 years.
But when is an alcohol dependence? The emergence of an alcohol dependence is a creeping, individually extending development. It is often not recognized or denied for a long time. Neither a certain amount of alcohol nor the occurrence of withdrawal symptoms are compelling requirements.
An alcohol dependence exists if at least three of the six diagnostic criteria are at the same time during the past year:
Strong desire or a compulsion to consume alcohol
Tolerance development: There are increasing larger amounts of alcohol to achieve an effect
Continued alcohol consumption, although consequential damage
Difficulties to control the beginning, termination and amount of consumption
Physical withdrawal symptoms when no or less alcohol is drunk
Progressive neglect of other interests in favor of alcohol consumption

Short overview

Signs: Strong desire for alcohol, loss of control, quantity increase, withdrawal symptoms, neglect of interests and contacts, continued consumption despite negative consequences
Possible consequences: Damage to liver, pancreatic gland, stomach and intestines, cardiovascular system, cognitive deficits, fears, depression, suicidal thoughts, job loss, destruction of social relationships
Causes: genetic predisposition, stress, mental stress, mental lability, problematic dealing with alcohol in family and circle of friends
Diagnosis: Notes related to persons, questionnaires, blood testing (liver values), examination on possible typical sequelatics of alcohol addiction
Therapy: stationary or outpatient, cognitive behavioral therapy, single therapy, group therapy, mindfulness training, stress management training, therapy destination: abstinence
Forecast: Addiction is life-accompanying, in case of illness and therapy good opportunities for abstinence even in occasional relapses, untreated heavy sequelae, shortened lifetime

Alcohol addiction: symptoms and complications that can occur in chronic alcohol consumption
Who drinks too much, significantly reduces his life expectancy. Alcohol is made responsible for more than 200 diseases, he damages almost every organ.

Particularly frequent physical and psychological consequences:

Stroke, dementia, alcohol with trembling, epileptic seizures and delirium
Sodburn, inflammation, ulcers and cancer on esophagus, stomach and duodenum
Fat liver, hepatitis, cirrhosis and cancer
Kidney failure
Testicular shrinkage, sexual malfunctions
Nervous damage and muscle
Personality changes, depression, fears
Heart weakness, cardiac arrhythmias, high blood pressure
Pancreatic inflammation and cancer
Dick and end medical cancer
Skin change
Blood clotting disorders, anemia
Increased infections
In addition, alcohol dependence also has social consequences:
Hazard of the workplace by reduced performance and quality of work
Co-dependence of life partners and children
Decrease in social contacts
Impairment of ability to drive
High accident hazard
Diminished perception
Longer reaction times

Missing disease inspection

Alcoholics no longer drink enjoyment, but out of an inner compulsion or even a physical need. Therefore, the attempts fail to reduce consumption regularly.

Nevertheless, most alcoholic cranks are first convinced that they could stop at any time. Often they actually succeed for days or weeks. This encourages them in their faith not to be dependent.

But as soon as they resort to the glass, the next relapse with loss of control is mostly preprogrammed. Your failure increases your frustration and let you continue to drink.

Shame, secretliness

Despite their obvious problems, most alcoholics have far from being alcoholic. The reason for this can be extreme stigmatization that people contribute to alcohol problems. The corresponding prejudices often share the alcohol cranks themselves ("I'm not a penner").

Added to this is the fear of the necessary consequences - namely to do without alcohol. Many people with alcohol disease drink as soon as the environment appeals to the problem increasingly secretly.

Short-term effects of alcohol

Alcohol can lift the mood in the short term and reduce inhibitions. But he also makes him whine, other aggressive. Depending on the amount and type of alcohol drinks as well as the body weight and the drinking habits, there are earlier consumption sooner or later perception disorders and coordination difficulties.

Alcohol spreads over the blood quickly throughout the body to the brain. Even those who tolerate a lot without being drunk harms his organs. Because the liver can only reduce about 15 grams of alcohol per hour. Everything that goes beyond, remains in the blood. When removing alcohol, toxins arise, which may affect the health in the long term.

Long-term physical effects of alcohol

Alcohol and its degradation products are toxic. Long term damage all organs of the body.

Liver damage

The liver, which must be continuously difficult for dual drinkers, increases more fat, increases and converts to the so-called fatty liver. This often remains unnoticed, because the liver itself can not feel pain. It sometimes makes itself noticeable by a pressure feeling in the upper abdomen. Pain is causing only when the liver ignites.

After some time liver cells die: it develops a liver cirrhosis (shrink liver). This is a steadily progressive life-threatening disease. The risk of liver cancer is also increasing.

Psychological dependency
It follows the psychic dependency. The person concerned neglects social life and tasks increasingly. The alcohol becomes the center of the center. Often, the thoughts only circle around the next glass. At this stage, those affected are already concealing drinking. If no alcohol is available, a strong desire develops.

Physical dependency
The body gets used to the alcohol and requires the affected larger quantities for the desired effect, is the entry into the physical dependency. Raising the dependent in this stage on alcohol, immerse physical withdrawal symptoms.

They range from sweating and trembling to life-threatening delirium with hallucinations. In severe cases, a withdrawal can endally end at least single-handedly. It should therefore be done under medical supervision.

Excouraged life expectancy
Without therapy, the average life expectancy of an alcohol is reduced by twelve years. The most common cause of death are suicide, accidents, liver failure, heart disease and cancer.

Despite the consistent use of all therapeutic possibilities, only 45 percent of the former alcoholic patients are still abstinent four years after the end of a therapy. However, those who can not be deterred by relapses can also get the alcohol addiction under control in the long term.

Tuesday 18 January 2022

How to get rid of the of fear

How to get rid of the of fear

How to get rid of the of fear
How to get rid of the of fear

"If fear makes life difficult - paths in freedom," the lecture was overwritten, in which Angelika Gmehling talked about anxiety disorders, their causes, manifestations and treatment options. The courageous message: anxiety disorders can be treated, and those affected can themselves contribute a lot to their healing.
To answer this question, it is first to understand what are anxious, as they are created and how they differ from anxious feelings. In this article we go on exactly these points and show you in a video 7 strategies, with which you can stop your anxiety.

All people are afraid, again and again. Everyone knows the feeling when the body is flooded by stress hormones and switches red to alarm stage within second fractions. However, if the fear is independent when the degradation of the stress hormones failed, then the fear can become pathological. The fact that this phenomenon is no ridge, was on the great resonance - around 65 listeners had found themselves in the Heinrich-of-reins hall on the lecture, organized by the Nursing Association Murrhardt and the German Association of Health Care Murrhardt jointly organized.

What are anxiety thought?

Fear is a warning mechanism and should point to potentially life-threatening dangers. If our ancestors did not be afraid of the saber toothed tiger and want to stroke the big cat instead, we would not be here today.

Fears, whether they are justified or not, can be learned. But they can also be relocated again. For this reason, anxiety ideal can be stopped. People are afraid if the situation in which they are considered to be particularly threatening and / or if they have no or only insufficient resources to cope with the situation.

Anxious reaction shows on different levels. As a feeling in the body, the behavior and also on a mental level. So alone the thought can cause a fear that something bad will happen. Such catastrophes are therefore typical anxiety, because they trigger afraid and put your body into an alarm condition. But also expectation fears or take care of it. So all thoughts that make you anxious in some way.

It is important to understand: Fear thoughts are only thoughts. And not real - though they often feel like them.

Here's an example of how you can imagine dreams anxious:

You sit in the car and is the first to be a crossroads. The traffic light is red. You change the radio station because you do not like the song. The moment you show out, a truck rests on you. Shortly before the impact, your alarm clock tears out of sleep. You are scared and realize that you are sweating in bed. You dreamed, but just in the dream, it felt real for you.

So how can you stop anxiety? Just do not think about scary things? Theoretically yes. Practical is sometimes not so easy.

How arise fear?

Our thoughts control our lives and also our experience. Even if you only think of a potentially threatening situation, you will feel anxious. Our thoughts and our feelings are closely related to each other and influence each other.

Anxiety get rid of

Anxiety thoughts can be stopped by changing e.g. the evaluation of the angstousing situation. Or you use yourself resources with whom you can master the handling of Angstaußlösligen and make anxiety ideas. Resources are skills, skills, but also external factors such as friends and family who can strengthen you and help you manage hurdles.

For this reason, we would like to introduce you to a detailed video with 7 strategies here, which make it easier to deal with fears. In the video, the psychological psychotherapeutin Anna Lübberding approaches you approaches that can be overcome.

Anxious diseases are a mass phenomenon, around 20 percent of all German sufferings below. A manifestation of fear is the panic attack on which the speaker was first entered. This meets the sufferers like a lightning out of the blue. Heart grass, sensing in the chest, shortness of breath, nausea and sweat - all this leads to suffer that those affected are often suffering from death. Trigger can be, for example, overcrowded rooms, but also a drive through a tunnel or a flight. According to such an experience, many affected avoid the critical situations. You will not go to the department store, into the theater, do not use a car or plane more and scents more and more. In addition, the fear of fear, which in turn can cause other panic attacks - a vicious circle that affects life massively.
Angelika Gmehling explained the processes that occur in the brain for anxiety. The sensory organs send stimuli to the thalamus in the intermediate brain, which forwards them to the amygdala, the so-called almond core. This triggers a stress reaction throughout the body; In second fractions, adrenaline is distributed, the heart begins to graze, the blood pressure shoots up. How important this age-old mechanism is, Gmehling illustrated using the example of a Neanderthaler who suddenly sees itself a primeval bear. To survive, he must immediately mobilize all physical reserves to react: with fight or escape.

In modern, scared people, the deeper causes of panic attacks can be in stressful experiences such as separation, the death of a relative or a feeling of prisoners at work, in a marriage or an apartment. In about ten percent of the cases, panic attacks are triggered by drug use.
In the treatment of such disturbances, two methods have proven itself, Angelika explains Gmehling. On the one hand, the so-called cognitive behavioral therapy in which patients of the afraid situation are deliberately exposed. "You let the fear come like a wave that goes over and then descends," the doctor describes this therapy. "That's very unpleasant, but it helps in many cases," says your experience. Another approach is physical activity. The speaker told by a young patient whose therapy was only to jog in three times a week, and so that his anxiety disrupted.

Tuesday 4 January 2022

Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality - Co. - An overview of immersive technologies

Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality - Co. - An overview of   immersive technologies

Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality - Co. - An overview of   immersive technologies
Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality - Co. - An overview of   immersive technologies

Over time, a number of terms have been used and defined to classify various forms of virtual technologies. A first taxonomy was made in 1994 by

Milgram and Kishino in the form of the virtuality continuum (Fig. 1). 1 The continuum

represents a scale from the real environment (reality, left) to the virtual environment (virtuality, right)

From left to right along the scale, the proportion of reality decreases continuously and

the proportion of virtuality increases. The further to the right you move in the continuum, the greater it is

corresponding to the proportion of the virtual environment compared to reality. This is synonymous with increasing immersion. Immersion describes the degree of immersion in one

virtual environment. This corresponds to the effect that virtual content or environments are about

different stimuli are perceived as real and the user is part of it

this virtual environment sees. The feeling of presence in the virtual environment is increased

also described with the term presence. Presence is about the entire experience. Depending on the design and implementation of the virtual environment, the content and the characters, the sense of presence can vary in strength. Milgram and Kishino locate the terms augmented reality (AR), augmented virtuality, along the virtual continuum

(AV), Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality (MR). These terms are presented below according to their Milgram and Kishino definition

Virtual Reality (VR)

VR is on the far right of the continuum. In virtual reality, the visually perceived real environment is completely replaced by a computer-generated virtual world.

There is no visible connection to the real environment. Immersion in Virtual

Reality takes place through the use of special hardware. For a long time, VR was mostly implemented using so-called CAVEs (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment).

The user is surrounded by several large screens on which the virtual

Contents are displayed via stereoscopic projections. With 3D glasses and a corresponding tracking of head movement, the content can be viewed three-dimensionally and in perspective

correctly perceived. Due to technical progress, VR is now mostly implemented over head-mounted displays (HMD). There

each eye is shown an individual, slightly offset image through its own display,

a three-dimensional perception can be generated. By using such a

HMD, the user is completely immersed in the virtual world and has non 

Relation more to the real environment. The immersion in an artificially created world does mentally noticeable on three levels: the spatial perception, the perception of theEnvironment and attention or involvement in the simulated world. Realistic acting and interacting can be carried out in the same way as in real life via various user interfaces Environment

Augmented Reality (AR)

According to the continuum, AR is a combination of real and
virtual world in which the real world predominates. In contrast to VR, AR does not create a new world,
but extends and improves the existing real environment. AR becomes reality
supplemented accordingly with digital content. One also speaks of "augmented reality". Through
the use of mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets, but also of
corresponding AR glasses, additional information is displayed over the real world.
Additional information can include 2D elements (text, image, video) and audio formats or
also be interactive three-dimensional models and animations. This enables a look through
For example, a cell phone camera combines reality and virtuality in real time.
Interaction with the virtual content can also take place in AR through various user interfaces;

Augmented Virtuality (AV)

Augmented virtuality mixes reality and virtuality. However, that predominates
Share of virtuality. AV can be viewed as a form of virtual reality in which parts
the real environment and visualized in the virtual world. So can
For example, the user's hands can be visually integrated in real time
enable intuitive interaction. Depending on the application, individual real
Objects or other people are involved. The term augmented virtuality is not very widespread and is rarely used,

Extended Reality (XR)

The continuum of virtuality is the consensus, especially in science. When Milgram and Kishino worked out the taxonomy, however, it was not foreseeable how the technologies would develop further and what new possibilities would arise. Meanwhile are
therefore further terms have been defined and the meaning of existing terms has been modified.
A relatively new term that is gaining ground in both industry and research
Established is Extended Reality (XR). XR can be used as an umbrella term for all virtual technologies
use. The term itself is not uniformly defined and is still so new that it is currently used
Duden cannot be found. Basically, the X can be viewed as the unknown and through
replace any matching variable.2 Thus, XR includes both AR, AV, VR and also MR after
the definition of Milgram and Kishino.

Assisted Reality (AS)

In addition, the term Assisted Reality (AS) is due to the development of so-called Smart Glasses
like the Google Glass. Google Glass and similar glasses have one small screen that presents the user with an image directly in their field of vision. Since only one eye can see this image, there is no three-dimensional perception. in the unlike AR, the information on the screen is not superimposed on or combined with the physical environment. Assisted Reality is accordingly very low
Degree of immersion. The user, however, gets information visualized in a needs-based and context-specific way and can use both without restrictions hands work. Assisted Reality is therefore, as the name suggests, very suitable for assistance systems of all kinds, 

Spatial Computing (SC)

Another term in the context of immersive technologies is spatial computing (SC). The term was launched in 2003 by Simon Greenwold as part of his master's thesis. 3 It is now often used as a synonym for XR. In contrast to XR, SC is original but less of a term used to classify technologies and more an approach to description of the change in human-machine interaction. Instead of 2D screens and To be bound to classic user interfaces, spatial computing exploits three-dimensional physical space. For previous physical interfaces between humans and computers were essentially developed from the keyboard and the computer mouse. With the however, today's technical possibilities are also more of a natural means of communication between man and machine possible based on the fundamentally intuitive human interactions such as language and gestures are based. This form is also used in spatial computing , preferably used. Conversely, from machine to person, information is released presented in the room and you can work with them. In addition, machines can perceive, store and (virtually) manipulate real spaces. Thanks to the latest Internet of Things and communication solutions, a large number of devices and machines of the most varied types can be networked with one another. In this way, for example, the user interfaces can also be implemented in terms of hardware separately from the actual data processing, such as cloud computing or remote rendering.

Application of Augmented and virtual reality

Support of different target scenarios before going into the next section in detail about the various application scenarios of AR, and VR is reported, it is worth looking at the general goals and purposes associated with its use accompanied. Because here, different areas are already evident in a wide variety of areas;
Philosophies regarding what can be achieved with the use of the respective technology target. A general overview can help to better target certain areas of application distinguish and keep a clear view of what the actual outcome is use of the respective technology should be. Here it is less the technical variety, i.e. pure virtually like in VR or with the inclusion of the environment like in AR, of interest, but which one problem should be solved concretely - or more precisely: Which problem one believed to be
for which a solution is presented. The preoccupation with this topic can be prevent that in the end, as is all too often, a concrete solution is available in AR or VR, but the actual problem may be hidden somewhere else. 
In general, the areas of application collaboration, assistance and learning can be distinguished.
In principle, different philosophies are followed: There is no right one technology or the sensible approach, it always depends on the respective scenario. let's look at learning solutions, for example: In many areas, people today have to to learn something new. All too often we take it for granted that humans do that must learn, practice and then master the topic. Otherwise it's no good. Really? In any case? Take a pilot who flies a passenger plane, and still so many today sitting across from control lights, switches and instruments. Here we wish that this person really has mastered his craft: that he can fly the machine, understands how to handle them down to the smallest details and intuitively from their own abilities can act - especially in emergency situations. Especially rare emergency situations have to
be constantly practiced so that the pilot "can". In addition to expensive flight simulators, VR solutions are of course available here. The situation is similar in the medical field, where this
The doctor's ability is essential and it is not enough if he only provides instructions from a
Machine executes.
On the other hand, there is a different philosophy, according to which a person does certain things
maybe perform, but not necessarily have to master it from the head: This concerns
For example, maintenance that occurs less often, or all situations in which the correct action does not have to be taken reflexively, as otherwise danger to life, limb and machine
threatens. For example, let's look at an extreme example: error codes. Because IT systems in
In the past, maintenance technicians have seldom been user-friendly
Maintenance codes in the head and must have the correct code ready for a fault entry.

Tuesday 28 December 2021

Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies: what happens now

 Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies: what happens now

Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies: what happens now
Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies what happens now

Bitcoin and the crypto markets started in December with extreme volatility. The number 1 cryptocurrency lost around $ 7,000 in the latest horror crash. In the meantime, BTC has risen slightly again - but the reserve currency still looks weak. Analysts believe further losses are possible in the short term. Meanwhile, a representative of the “old” financial world is sending a positive signal: the credit card giant Visa.

The Lakers' home game against the Brooklyn Nets in New York on Christmas Day was an introduction party for Crypto.com Arena, the new name of the auditorium formerly known as the Staples Center. The goal of the deal for the denomination change, which will reportedly cost the Singapore-based company more than $ 700 million, is to promote Crypto.com as the best way to buy and sell cryptocurrencies, as well as related digital goods.

Today, however, only a fraction of the world of television viewers could explain the difference between a Bitcoin gift card and an Amazon one, or between a non-expendable token and a Chuck E. Cheese token. The hype surrounding cryptocurrencies may be inescapable, but that doesn't mean that people understand how they work or why some of their values ​​have turned so wildly.

Mood like at a funeral "

Quo vadis, Bitcoin? At the weekend, the cryptocurrency was faced with the worst crash in weeks (data from Coinmarketcap.com): within 40 minutes, the asset fell from $ 52,163 to $ 45,032 - a decrease of more than 13%, panic in the markets. The recovery was immediate, but only minimal. Since then, BTC has traded in a narrow range between $ 48,000 and $ 51,900, currently at $ 49,670.

The next resistance on the way up is at $ 53k - this area needs to be broken now, then held. Investors are in the truest sense of the word fearful of whether this will succeed. It is true that there are often violent crashes and price setbacks in bull markets. In the 2017 run, for example, Bitcoin faced five corrections - each of more than 30%. The course was always able to recover shortly afterwards.

Nevertheless, every new decline has an enormous effect on the markets, or more precisely: investor sentiment. It is currently in the basement, as the "Crypto Fear & Greed Index" shows. The portal analyzes various sources (such as social media, Google trends) and then expresses investor sentiment in a number. 0 stands for the maximum value for fear, while 100 indicates extreme greed. The index is currently at 28 - “fear”. “Since the crash in May, the fear has not been so pronounced. The atmosphere is literally comparable to a funeral, ”comments professional trader Michaël van de Poppe.

Here are some of the basics to help you get up to speed. Do not interpret any of this as an endorsement of cryptocurrencies, which are currently not particularly useful as currencies or reliable as investments.

So what is its value?

Cryptocurrencies are worth what the market determines. Investors have placed more than 2 trillion in Bitcoin and others, presumably in the expectation that future investors will be willing to pay more for them.

One could argue that this is all sleight of hand, conjuring money out of thin air. Technically, each bitcoin started out as the payment that a person gave himself for performing the cryptographic work on a computer required to record transactions on the blockchain (an activity called "mining"). But their value depends on what people are willing to pay for them, which in turn depends on where people expect the price to go over time.

The bulls point out that the supply of Bitcoin is limited to a level that guarantees scarcity: there will never be more than 21 million bitcoins, while the world population is 7.9 billion and growing. In his opinion, the more that cryptocurrency is used, the more demand it will drive price growth.

The bears argue that sudden price swings (Bitcoin has seen two boom-and-bust swings in 2021 alone) will deter most people from jumping on the cryptocurrency bandwagon. They could also be vulnerable to price manipulation and the whims of investors stimulated by the dynamism of investments.

Is it really a coin?

As a medium of exchange, cryptocurrencies leave a lot to be desired. Few companies accept them as payment today for starters.

The list of places you can spend bitcoins includes a handful of tech companies, a couple of sports franchises, a handful of retailers and restaurants from around the world. There are alternative solutions like Purse, which allows you to exchange them for Amazon gift cards, but the need for such services underscores how poor a cryptocurrency substitute for dollar bills currently is.

One place where you won't be able to spend cryptocurrencies today is Crypto.com Arena. Steven Kalifowitz, Crypto.com's chief marketing officer, commented that the company is working on how it will integrate its cryptocurrency-powered payment app, as well as its other products, into the venue and its other partnerships.

Just as importantly, Bitcoin has not held its short-term value, a key attribute for any currency. The value of the US dollar rises and falls relative to the currencies of other countries, and its purchasing power declines over time due to inflation. But it does not increase 33% in one week, as Bitcoin did the first week of October, nor does it lose almost a quarter of its value in another, as it happened with this cryptocurrency in mid-May. A 2017 study found that Bitcoin prices are 30 times more volatile than the dollar, euro, or yuan.

So what is it?

For most people who buy cryptocurrencies, it is an investment. But as the roller coaster nature of digital asset markets indicates, it is unconventional.

Cryptocurrencies are not like corporate stocks, the value of which is, at least nominally, tied to something concrete (that is, the company's growth and profitability prospects). Nor are they like commodities whose supply and demand can be forecast.

Instead, they look more like a collector's item, like stamps, the value of which is largely due to their scarcity. There are no quarterly analysis or reports, production forecasts, or fundamental measures such as earnings per share to guide investors. Instead, they have to rely more on whatever evidence they can find on which cryptocurrencies have momentum in the market.

According to Kayal and Rohilla's article, researchers have observed a number of factors that appear to be correlated with Bitcoin values. One is geopolitical risks around the world: Bitcoin prices become more volatile as an index of those uncertainties increases. Interest rates after inflation and tax burdens, meanwhile, are "important in determining Bitcoin prices," they wrote. They also found that the prices of this cryptocurrency increased as the trading volume of the shares increased, but fell as the prices of the shares rose.

Monday 27 December 2021

Here is 4 plans you should write for the new year 2022

 Here is 4 plans you should write for the new year 2022

Here is 4 plans you should write for the new year 2022
Here is 4 plans you should write for the new year 2022

Year after year - for many people that also applies to the calendar. We chat, stream, zoom and nimble. We synchronize shopping lists with loved ones, measure the pulse digitally and count steps. Read e-papers and shop online. We also send each other entries for the digital calendar. A real calendar, with pages made of paper and hard cover, continues to accompany many people. And they buy a new one every year, register birthdays, draw up to-do lists, and note down instructions from the boss.

It is questionable whether the person is really relieved with the offers of all the online service providers that are supposed to make life easier. The ever-growing calendar business points in a different direction. There are the annual planners, mindfulness planners, travel planners, financial planners, exam planners, fertility treatment planners, wedding planners, planners for groomsmen and backward-looking planners. Some planning concepts are so complex that the organizational stuff probably takes more time than the implementation.

The first invitations for the new year have arrived and the question arises as to how much planning is needed for 2022. Psychologist Denise Ginzburg advises: With every planning there should always be enough room for the unplanned.

Denise Ginzburg, a psychologist, has already planned her 2022 pretty well. She starts planning the new year in the summer of the previous year. She asks friends and relatives whether there are any festivities coming up in the New Year and talks to her family about vacation planning. It is always important to her to keep the balance between the planned and the unplanned.

Me-time shouldn't be neglected

She therefore advises actively blocking time for spontaneous things so that these days or hours are not accidentally rescheduled for other appointments. Your first step is always to plan the vacations to build everything else around it. She also blocks long bridging days or just afternoons when she deliberately has no plans.

Listen to your gut instinct when planning

But how do you find out which system is the right one for you? Often it also helps here to simply listen to your gut instinct. Extroverts may spend less time with themselves and draw a lot more energy from meeting other people. Other people refuel better when they can really relax and just do nothing. But you can plan both.

It is best to use yearly and weekly planners

For Denise Ginzburg, an appointment calendar is the be-all and end-all. With calendars that run from week to week, however, she sees the danger that they often lead to losing sight of the big picture. That is why she advises purchasing an annual planner at the same time.

Reconnect to your vision

Your vision is what your business is all about.

What you do things for.

  • Has your vision changed since last year or has it stayed the same?
  • Does your business mission seem to have changed?
  • Has your client at heart changed a bit?

Take the time to clarify your vision, to continue to build a business in your image.

I invite you to write this vision down, come back to it over several days, and dig into it (through writing in particular).

In addition to working on my vision, I like to give intention to my year ahead.

An intention is an aspiration that sticks to your vision.

It can be symbolized by a wor

Monday 20 December 2021

SPECIAL REPORT: What are the benefits of investing in a new website?

 SPECIAL REPORT: What are the benefits of investing in a new website?

SPECIAL REPORT: What are the benefits of investing in a new website?
SPECIAL REPORT: What are the benefits of investing in a new website?

Anyone who still operates a web design from 2010 or older today will lose out in comparison with modern Internet sites. It starts directly with the graphic design and continues with the content - not to mention short loading times and device adaptation. However, in order to remain competitive, a website that is optimized in every respect is of crucial importance. On the other hand, a new internet presence initially incurs costs. And some entrepreneurs think that they can create their own homepage with the help of a universal construction program, or their IT-savvy neighbors are asked. The result is often error messages and search engine listing in meaningless nirvana.

However, a professionally designed website sets different standards. At first glance, the higher costs are quickly amortized because the focus is on the user experience. Functionality, a well thought-out concept with a logical link structure and a Google-compliant backend framework are what count. The professionals also know how to set up appealing layouts or how to harmoniously and effectively coordinate images, text content and video contributions. You also consider mobile, internet-enabled devices such as smartphones or tablets - responsive web design is the magic word these days. In addition, there is a demand for moving content that generates a great deal of dynamism with relatively simple means. Why? Because the competitors are already using it! And you?

Why is the cost of a new homepage worthwhile?

The costs of creating a new website cannot be summed up in numbers. They are fundamentally dependent on offers as well as the type and scope of a homepage. Basically, websites are available for every requirement and budget. If you don't want a boring “off the shelf” website, all that counts is an individual consultation with the web designer.

But the question of whether it is worth investing in a new website is not only answered by experts with a clear yes! Because an optimally functioning homepage, which is regularly maintained and always follows the zeitgeist, is given preferential treatment by Google and Co. and ends up at the top of the search results. This in turn generates traffic on the site and ensures an increase in sales or an increased order volume in the medium term. In addition, the redesign contributes significantly to the acquisition of new customers. Therefore, the additional cost factor is paid off very quickly and has a positive effect on the general return on investment of a company. The so-called return on investment (ROI) is a benchmark for the efficiency of a company.

Return on investment. By multiplying the return on sales by the capital turnover, the ROI is calculated as a percentage: Profit ÷ total capital x 100 = ROI

Not 0-8-15, but individuality according to company orientation

The success of a company also requires a certain degree of individuality. Therefore, a website should emphasize the special features of products, services or info content not only textually, but also optically. Or to put it another way: Every group needs its own layout, which on the one hand is appealing to the user and on the other hand reflects the essential characteristics of a company - the corporate identity (CI). Ideally, the design already graphically focuses on the unique selling points (USPs) that distinguish the company. A standard layout that is only adapted cannot meet this requirement.

In addition, the online handicraft shop has a different focus than the car workshop or the optician's specialty shop. Depending on the orientation of the company and the purpose of the website (image, sale or information), different designs are required. Should the appearance convey emotions, radiate seriousness or present the latest trends? These examples make it clear that a 0-8-15 layout is not effective in most cases. Because today's Internet users are spoiled, they expect something special that is out of the ordinary.

What is the purpose of the website?

In order to find out which design a homepage needs, the question of the meaning and purpose of the presence can be helpful. Depending on whether they are used to promote sales, convey the idea of service or be a source of information for existing customers, there are different requirements. This also applies if the page is intended for customer acquisition and, for example, displays reviews and references or draws attention to special offers.

Other indicators are:

The size of a company and the resulting scope of the website
Integration of an online shop with the necessary data protection and security aspects
Supplement with landing pages, portfolio pages or advice and blog areas with comments


Delivery head
"Digital Jetzt" is funding for medium-sized companies from all industries. The number of employees is the limiting factor. Companies with a size of 3 to 499 employees are funded. A total of 203 million euros are available for the program. Companies can apply for a maximum funding amount of 50,000 euros. The exact amount is determined on the basis of quotas. The quotas are graded according to the size of the company. These are currently at a higher level than planned. The BMWi also uses the program to limit the effects of the Corona crisis., Quotas of

up to 50% for companies with up to 50 employees
up to 45% for companies with up to 250 employees
up to 40% for companies with up to 499 employees.
After that, the quotas will be reduced by 10% each.


The program is also interesting for our guild. Websites can be drivers of digitization in companies. You are probably wondering how your website is contributing to digitization. We would like to briefly explain how a website can become a core element in your digital business model.

We believe that a website is a company's digital home. Here your company introduces itself and offers its services. In addition, a website can also become part of the value chain. The simplest example is the online shop - the retail store of the digital age.

In addition, there are other processes within sales that can be mapped online.


"Digital Now" includes funding module 1. It should be used for investments in software and hardware, especially for networking the company. On the website of the BMWi, the promotion of a website with online sales is also explicitly named as a use case of the program.

Basically nothing stands in the way of funding. However, there are a couple of points to keep in mind. On the one hand, you have 12 months to implement your funded project. In addition, the planned expenses must be substantiated by means of offers or estimates.

It should also be noted that consulting services in the run-up to the actual funding are not funded. This affects, among other things, the creation of the digitization plan.

If you are interested in this topic, we would like to draw your attention to the “go-digital” funding program, which was set up precisely for this purpose. Both programs build on each other. So you can benefit from double funding.

The BMWi offers a valuable FAQ on its website. Have a look there too to get an overview.


There are a variety of resources on the Internet. The range of information provided by the BMWi is extensive. In addition, there are funding advisors who have a good overview of the topic. They have specialized in this topic and help medium-sized companies with planning and applications.

As a web agency with experience in setting up online sales and online marketing, we are happy to be on board as a partner. Our services include the concept and implementation of your website. Please contact us in advance for advice. We are of course also available to determine costs.

Wednesday 15 December 2021

The blockchain revolution: fields of application, definition, and operation

 The blockchain revolution: fields of application, definition, and operation

The blockchain revolution: fields of application, definition, and operation
The blockchain revolution fields of application, definition, and operation

The blockchain, or "chain of blocks", is "a technology of storage and transmission of information, transparent, secure, and functioning without a central control body", according to the definition of Blockchain France. It makes it possible to trace and validate financial transactions by checking the history of operations already carried out.

 The term "blockchain" refers to a technology for digital storage and transmission / sharing of information, which operates outside the control of a centralized body. It is characterized by the transparency and the security of the process.
The decentralized database formed by a blockchain fully and permanently retains the history of exchanges between its users. The information stored or transmitted, recorded after verification and validation, is encrypted and cannot be modified or falsified.
There are two categories of blockchain: public (accessible to all potential users) and private (limited access). In both cases, the primary interest of the blockchain lies in the possibility of direct exchanges, without any intermediary, and in complete security.

How a blockchain works: the protocol

A blockchain works in the form of “transactions”, thanks to a system of programmable virtual tokens called “tokens”. The data exchanged by the users are grouped together in “blocks”. Each of its blocks is then checked, validated or refused by “network nodes”, via algorithms of different kinds. Validating a block results in its timestamp and its insertion in the string. Each "transaction" it contains is then received by its recipient and can be viewed by all network users.
The protocol therefore breaks down into five steps:

1. X issues a "transaction" to Y.
2. The deal joins others in a block.
3. Validation and encryption of the block by the “network nodes”.
4. Addition of the block to the blockchain that can be viewed by all users.
5. Receipt by Y of the transaction sent by X.

Blockchain was born with bitcoin

The blockchain, or chain of blocks, in French, was born at the same time as the cryptographic currency called bitcoin and appeared in 2008. Bitcoin makes it possible to buy goods and services; it can also be exchanged for other currencies. Unlike traditional currencies, bitcoin is not administered by a single banking authority, it operates in a decentralized fashion through a set of nodes. These form the network through which all transactions take place. A secure public register keeps the history of all these operations. It is deemed to be tamper-proof since it is based on the principle of mutual trust.

"Miners" form the nodes of the blockchain

Each transaction is encrypted and stored in a block, which can contain several separate transactions. A block includes a digital marking from the previous block which certifies its validity. This marking operation is carried out by voluntary users, called "minors". They make their time and the computing power of their computers available to administer the blockchain. Miners form the nodes, or rather the links of the blockchain.

This operation called "mining" allows these people to be paid, in bitcoin of course. The value of bitcoin is maintained by software that adapts the intensity of calculations to the number of active miners. The more bitcoin miners there are, the more complex the calculations and the more secure the blockchain.

The future of blockchain beyond bitcoin

Blockchain has many advantages. Financial first of all, since it reduces the costs associated with banking transactions and even eliminates banks as trusted third parties. In addition to digital payments, this technology can be used to transfer other assets, for example securities, bonds, stocks, voting rights...
In addition, the transparency of the system and its decentralized architecture give it a potential for applications that go beyond the financial sphere. The blockchain being a register, it can be used to establish traceability on all kinds of products and services. It can also be used to ensure the application of smart contracts, programs that automatically execute the conditions of a contract.

Sunday 12 December 2021

The Future of the Internet: METAVERSE

 The Future of the Internet: METAVERSE

The Future of the Internet: METAVERSE
The Future of the Internet: METAVERSE

We will all have to get used to a new term: “Metaverse”, Because this is how Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg describes a completely new online world that he wants to create with his company. A virtual universe on the internet. 10,000 jobs are to be created around the project in Europe alone. Sounds like a big deal.

the global tech elite is discussing their visions of what the next generation of the Internet could look like, one word is likely to be used particularly frequently at the moment: “Metaverse”. The term comes from the science fiction novel "Snowcrash" from 1992, which is said to have made a lasting impression on the founders of Google, Amazon and Facebook. OMR explains what is hidden behind the term, why it is currently experiencing a renaissance and which players in the industry are ascribed the greatest potential to build a “metaverse”.

“'Snow Crash' * was ten years ahead of its time. The book kind of anticipated what happened after that, and I find that really interesting, "said Sergey Brin in an interview in 2000. The Google founder mentions the science fiction novel as one of two books, that would have particularly influenced him in his life.

What is this metaverse?

This is a future scenario for digital media use that the group wants to adapt to. You have to imagine the whole thing as a completely separate virtual world. Everyone who participates here has an avatar - a digital alter ego. Everyone can determine what their own avatar looks like. Then there are virtual rooms for all sorts of things: games, meeting places, concert halls, congresses, conference rooms, shopping malls ... There are basically no limits to your imagination.

Users can meet in these virtual rooms, exchange ideas, communicate, but also listen to others or watch events. Virtual work meetings are also possible. But you will also be able to buy and own virtual things: land, houses, art ...

All of this already exists, especially in game worlds like Fortnite or Roblox, but it is taken to extremes in a metaverse. Because everything is really virtual here - and everything is interconnected. There are completely new possibilities for Facebook and other providers.

What it takes to participate in such a virtual world

First of all, of course, these virtual spaces have to be created first. This is no small matter and involves a lot of effort. But the Facebook group is already there: there will soon be virtual meeting places for chatting and working. But to be able to participate, technical equipment is required.

Usually people will have to put on VR glasses. When you put on glasses like this, you can no longer hear or see your surroundings - and immerse yourself completely in the virtual world. The senses are perfectly deceived. If you look to the left, you also look to the left in virtual space.

Does Facebook want to build a metaverse with Oculus?

Another central concept of “Snow Crash” is that of the “Metaverse”: a kind of digital in-between world into which people flee from the gloomy present. A world that exists permanently parallel to and independently of a real, physical world, with its own currency and its own economic system, in which many people can communicate and interact with one another at the same time and in real time.

Google co-founder Sergey Brin is apparently not the only high-ranking tech founder who was lastingly impressed by this idea. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg never spoke publicly about "Snow Crash". But when he announced in a post on Facebook in March 2014 that his company had bought the virtual reality glasses provider Oculus, and in the process described his vision for the company, they interpreted two editors from Bloomberg as well as one Journalist at Forbes to the effect that Zuckerberg apparently wants to build the Metaverse.

Glasses up and down to the Horizon Home

The central component are the VR glasses that used to come from Occulus. The brand renamed Meta at the same time as Facebook. The devices now run under the Meta Quest label. When users put on their glasses, they land in Horizon Home, which is the starting point for joint activities with other Quest owners. From here they start games together or watch films. The Horizon Venues service should also make it possible to experience concerts or sporting events from the best seat without having to be in the stadium. So far, however, it is still a beta phase.

Working in VR

But you can also use the metaverse for work. Use Horizon Workrooms to start meetings and develop ideas with colleagues in virtual conference rooms. Meta wants to offer special glasses to match this. They run under the name Quest for Business. They do not differ from the hardware of the conventional Quest 2, but users can log in with their professional account and do not have to use their private Facebook account. You don't have to do without the most important apps. External services such as Slack and Dropbox announced the collaboration with Meta. Your apps will therefore be available for the virtual working world. And if you can't see the mess on your desk in real life, there is a solution for that too. Soon you can escape to the Horizon Studio. This is a personal virtual workplace.

Lots of tools for developers

To ensure that the Metaverse quickly fills with more life, Meta App developers are already providing many tools to the side. With the Persence platform, for example, they should be able to create more realistic mixed reality applications. It is a mixture of the real and the virtual world. In several videos, Meta makes it clear what one can expect: A piano player with Quest glasses, for example, gets the scores displayed in the style of the video game "Guitar Hero" and can simply replay them even without prior knowledge. Also included is the Interaction SKD, which developers can use to add common hand movements to apps. After all, you also have to interact with the content.

New hardware already on the way

To ensure that this will soon work out well, Meta has already announced fresh hardware: Project Cambria is not to be the successor to Quest 2, but rather brand new high-end glasses that Meta wants to use to pick up customers who have already started the Metaverse want to enjoy it to the full.

Will 5G become a “metaverse enabler”?

Especially since in the past few months there have been other developments that could favor the establishment of a metaverse: technical progress, for example. The data transmission rates of the new, upcoming 5G standard enable mobile real-time Internet, which can possibly also be used to host virtual concerts with tens of thousands of people.

In addition, the Corona crisis has accelerated digitization and further lowered the inhibition threshold for digital experiences among the general public. People who, in times of "social distancing", get used to virtual work environments like Slack and Microsoft Teams as well as video conferencing software like Zoom or Google Meet and indulge in private escapism in games like Animal Crossing (here in the OMR portrait) , interact with friends or even hold wedding celebrations, are thus possibly more open to the idea of ​​a “digital parallel world” than they would have been before.

"The metaverse will generate trillions of dollars in value"

In the US tech scene, Matthew Ball from the venture capital firm Makers Fund has established himself as one of the phraseologists and thought leaders in the field of Metaverse. Ball also plans to hold its own virtual conference on the topic in the near future. In a well-received, detailed essay, the VC not only explains how he defines the term metaverse and which companies he gives which opportunities to play a major role in a future metaverse, but also proposes that the metaverse will in future be “the Gateway to most digital experiences, a key element of physical experiences and the next big job-generating platform.

Correspondingly, Ball believes that companies that play a decisive role in this development or even drive it forward could derive enormous economic advantages from it: “Even if the metaverse does not do justice to the fantastic descriptions of the science fiction authors in the end, it will likely generate trillions of US dollars in value as a new computing platform or as a content medium. "